Friday, September 1, 2017


Pee Wee or Peewee Dolls and Their Clones

Only two have the foot marking.  Two have very convincing faces and may be later versions that have harder bodies and no marking.  The bright red haired one is either very new or a clone.

For sale: $8 + shipping


This is a Walt Disney Doll from the 60s the was made when Haley Mills played the role of Pollyanna in a Disney movie.

Unfortunately I don't have her original red and white gingham dress.  It's hard for me to put on a big bid for the original dress or to put in the effort to recreate it because, well, frankly, I think it's hideous.
I mean the bloomers are long pants leg red gingham things that make no sense, unless they were trying to copy a civil war era bathing suit or something.  Anyway, I have this beautiful toddler silk red and white gingham dress that I could take in... 

I may just take it in so it looks like this (it's just pinned in back right now) but I saw this pretty dress on line.  I'm sorry, but I don't know who the source is, but there is this amazing doll artist named Sayuri, and it sure looks like her impeccable work...

So I'm toying with the idea of adding lace, ribbon, buttons and a bonnet.  Another dress from the internet that I have my eye on is this...

I could just use some of the left-over material to add the loose short sleeves and add a high collar white lace shirt.  Some black tights, black ribbon baby shoes, black ribbon for the hair, and a strand of delicate pink beads.  Hmmm....

Large 1950s Fashion Dolls

This is my small group of large 50s fashion dolls:      The one on the left say 376 13 eyes on the back of her head. She looks like a M...