How to... Synthetic Hair

This is Curls.  We rescued her from a thrift shop so that we could learn about fixing doll hair.  We also thought she had a cute torso for a future home made doll reference.  We, my teenager Dominick and I, found out that combing doll hair with a plastic comb is a bad idea, so we washed our dog brush, and carefully combed out her matted hair.

We washed her hair with shampoo and conditioner.  We cut up smoothie straws and curled her wet hair.  I got them to stay in with actual pins right into her scalp.  We then dunked her wet hair into a bowl of hot, freshly boiled water for a minute, and then into a bowl of ice water for a couple minutes.  We let her hair air dry for two days.  One of my other dolls was kind enough to lend her a nightgown.

I hand sewed this dress and bonnet for her from an old discarded woman's dress.  I'm not happy with the way the bonnet turned out, and the dress is a little crooked for my first try, but I'm still happy with it.

1 comment:

  1. This is so much fun! Its tedious on smaller dolls, using folded strips of tin foil, but so satisfying. She looks great!


Large 1950s Fashion Dolls

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