Thursday, July 20, 2017

Vogue Ginny
This Ginny doll is my favorite.  She's probably from 1955 because she has a walking feature with her head turning side to side and her legs making a walking motion when moved.  Her knees are not jointed.  To read more about Ginny dolls, this is a great site listed under the picture.
Here is a picture of her back...

Below is a picture of Miss Ginny. 

And here is a vogue Ginny baby with one of my many Teddy bears...

And now for a  Vogue Ginny doll and her clone by a company called New Bright. Can you guess which is which?

Here are some Ginnys from the 80s. I did a side by side comparison with my 50s Ginny:

I did sell this blonde bubble cut Ginny on ebay. 

The doll below is a Vogue doll from the 70s, but I'm not sure if she is Ginny:

One of her eyes is a little foggy even though I dosed her eyes with alcohol to kill any chance of fungus. I also treated her eyes with sewing machine oil. I have her for sale on etsy.

I love all of these dolls, but I only want one example of each while I focus on Bru Jne!

Friday, July 14, 2017

Little Miss Beauty Parlor

What do you do when you find an old Little Miss Beauty Parlor with no clothes? (Poor thing)  You make her a rockabilly doll!

She has awesome sleep eyes...

Although, ever since I brought her home, I think she and Toodles have been up to something...


Just kidding!

After her rockabilly modeling session, she goes back into the baby dress I got her and gently comb out her up-do.  My hallway is not lit very well so the photo quality isn't so good...

Here are a few cute ones that Dom took...
^ My brother says this one reminds him of The Shining!  He's so mean.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Dolls in Kilts

I'm hoping to make a bag piper doll for my husband (he plays the bag pipes in a band) once I get my basement prepared for a kiln. In the meantime I collect dolls in kilts for fun.  This little cutie came from a flea market for about $3.

Her spats are made of felt and are adorable!

I found this picture on Etsy:

So it appears this little cutieis a clone of a 1977 Vogue Ginny doll!  Nice!  

Here are a couple of 4" non jointed plastic dolls made in Hong Kong...

This strange old plastic figurine came with some kind of Smuggler brand scotch. Isn't he funny?  My husband inherited this thing from his father. 

Speaking of my husband, here's a picture of my sweetie...

The complete formal uniform is in this picture....

Large 1950s Fashion Dolls

This is my small group of large 50s fashion dolls:      The one on the left say 376 13 eyes on the back of her head. She looks like a M...