Thursday, July 20, 2017

Vogue Ginny
This Ginny doll is my favorite.  She's probably from 1955 because she has a walking feature with her head turning side to side and her legs making a walking motion when moved.  Her knees are not jointed.  To read more about Ginny dolls, this is a great site listed under the picture.
Here is a picture of her back...

Below is a picture of Miss Ginny. 

And here is a vogue Ginny baby with one of my many Teddy bears...

And now for a  Vogue Ginny doll and her clone by a company called New Bright. Can you guess which is which?

Here are some Ginnys from the 80s. I did a side by side comparison with my 50s Ginny:

I did sell this blonde bubble cut Ginny on ebay. 

The doll below is a Vogue doll from the 70s, but I'm not sure if she is Ginny:

One of her eyes is a little foggy even though I dosed her eyes with alcohol to kill any chance of fungus. I also treated her eyes with sewing machine oil. I have her for sale on etsy.

I love all of these dolls, but I only want one example of each while I focus on Bru Jne!

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